At Havas, I was the primary copywriter for AutoZone, where I managed the day to day creative decisions, and relentlessly repeated “Get in the Zone!” over and over again like a buddhist mantra or a nervous tick, depending on the day.

2023/24 Campaign

What happens when you interrupt the famous AutoZone jingle? Does it feel like a scratch you can’t reach? Maybe if you listen a little longer they’ll finish it.

Inspired by Old Town Road’s short hook, I built this radio structure to make the rotating monthly specials at AutoZone a little more interesting.

In 2023, AutoZone wanted to create bespoke content for their customers more skilled in DIY car care customers. The ones who see AutoZone as a place for solutions and not deals. So, I whipped up these radio spots to spotlight the real-life issues caused by car problems and how AutoZone solves them.

In 2022, AutoZone wanted to be THE authority on car care and DIY repair.

So with over 50 scripts, shot over six days, we created an arsenal of how-to content. Below, you’ll find a few examples. If you’re hungry for more, check out the AutoZone Youtube Channel.

Need to get your mower movin’?
Ronnie from TV’s Garage Squad can get your mower charged up and cutting up in under 2 minutes.


Why is cat crime at an all-time high?
Racing influencer, Tiffany can help you pawtect your cat converter from thieves.


What’s in your toolbox?
Tim from AutoZone is here to help you round out your tools for DIY beginners.


Tire(d) of flat single host how-to videos?
All three hosts break down the different ways to fix a flat and get back on the road.


Summer is the season for car calligraphy, A/C Pro, and low-price promos.
We had to get down and dirty in this wash and wax production and A/C Pro promo videos.